I am SO looking forward to camping this weekend. It has been months since we went camping and I am in dire need of a wilderness recharge. Short of a great workout, nothing makes me feel better than the forest in the evening. I can go out into the trees and sniff the air and run my fingers through mud. Then as the moon rises I can go for a little run until I find a quiet spot to sit and watch the night take over. Its always sad to leave the forest, but at least when I do, I come home feeling clear and focused on reality. My inner child has fur and long ears, of this I am most certain.
NEXT: My joke of the week:
So I was driving my car and talking on my cell phone and sure as hell...I hit the car in front of me. I thought , "Oh crap, there goes my insurance"
The guy in the car in front of me gets out and starts storming back to give me hell and I notice his 3 foot tall stature. "Oh my god", I think to myself, "Its a dwarf"
I open my window and look down at his very angry features and he says to me, " I AM NOT HAPPY"
"Clearly", I said to him, "So which one are you then?"
OK, while you are feeling comical go strait to youtube and type in Ninja Glare. OR better yet, follow this link to it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xeje_pp_NyA
Happy Wednesday!
Enjoy your foresty recharge! If fur starts growing out of your ears or your shirts won't lie flat anymore because you back is waaaay hairier than it used to be, don't worry, we'll get you waxed.
Ahhh camping, I miss the great outdoors. I think it's time for to take a break and plan a trip into the wild. Hope you had fun.
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