Behold! it is dance party night at the Stallard home. If you have not been sent an invite but you read this blog, YOU ARE INVITED! There will be 80s dance tunes and what ever booze and snacks that you bring. Also invited for your entertainment will be BARBRA THE WOLF MOM!

She will be giving child care tips and teaching her "naked baby-chewing dance" to anyone who wants to learn it. Before you get all crazy about dancing with her please recall that her husband Freddy "Good boy" Wolf will be attending also.
Come one come all. If you need directions give a call.
I was promised Wolfmom and alas, did not see her at your party. I was totally going to hit on her husband.
It was cold so she left early. I tried to dress her but you know how wolfmoms can get. Something about weening pups and availability.
Her husband was actually not there due to an issue with fleas. Such a shame that my guests of honor had to miss everyone.
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