OK, so not really shoes. But anyone who has seen the omg shoes video now knows the obsession I am about to spill forth in utter techno-geek glory.
The Kindle is HERE!
I SO need one of these. I am so geeking out right now that I cant even blog about it so I will just give a pic and a link and let you all read and geek out with me.

I can really empathize with your geekiness - I want an e-book reader SO bad! I have held and touched and caressed both a Kindle and the Sony e-book reader. The Sony has a better, nicer design, IMO, but the Kindle has wireless!
Here's the problem, and why I don't already have one. Both readers only allow you to buy their proprietary file formats. Everything's DRM'd up the wazoo. It's the same place MP3 players were 5 years ago. You'd think they might have learned by now, but NO! we have to DRM every file or else those nastybad pirates will STEAL OUR BOOKS! Grrr...I'm refusing to buy an e-book reader until I can buy the books I want, HOW I want them, from any vendor, in any file format.
The Cybook is close...and very tempting..../drool
OMG Shoes! You got me at the title. It brought back memories of watching the shoe video and showing it to everyone I knew to guage their sense of humor. But yeah, a portable book reader is awesome. but really people might steal books, that is just ridiculous.
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