Until last week it had been about 3 years since I rolled with a kimono on. From the time I opened my MMA gym in Mesa I had been focused on a strict no-GI style with a strong emphasis on dominating possition and striking. I thought my game was easily translatable back to the kimono and that putting it back on would only give me MORE options and skills to draw from. I am sure from the wording of my writing you can guess that I was painfully wrong. My GI skills are now lost behind a wall of hazy memories and reliance on strikes has made me a sloppy transitioner. Don't get me wrong, I have learned a LOT over the last 3 years. My take-downs are the best they have ever been and I would not change the advances I have made on clinching for the world, but it has come at a price.
The kimono feels like tar on my limbs now.
Its time to go back.
Its time to feed the root.
I will do what must be done.
I will take the exhaustion and drink it like a narcotic.
I will treasure the bruises like badges of honor.
I will pick up the razor-like shards of my glassy shattered ego and forge adamantine armor.
I will put in the time and pay my dues in aches and pains and blood and sweat.
And from self-sacrifice shall emerge self-respect.
I have a massive and seemingly daunting task ahead of me but I see the goal and am ready for the journey.
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