Monday, June 1, 2009

And its Monday

Time to start a new week. We had a great weekend full of events for all family members but I am now looking forward to the week ahead of me. Mostly, I am eagar to head to ECS and get my own workouts in. 
I don't know if I will get it done this week or not, but I would also like to make a new MMA video short. The other ones I made are old and a bit boring and I have been itching to improve my video editing skills.
Not much else to add at this point. 

Friday, May 29, 2009

Random Updates

The more primal diet that I am on ( no sugar or grain) is serving me well. The first week was hard, especially on game night when chips and candy abound, but now that its becoming more routine I can't imagine I ever changed away from this style of eating last time. I am less sore after workouts and have far less inflammation in my shoulder joints. (which anyone who has worked out with me knows has long been an issue)  I am so pleased with the way I feel now that I am compelled to dive stricter and stricter into my convictions. No surprise there I guess given my propensity towards extremes.

Rolled with the kimono on again last night. Each time renews some old memories of how to move again and it becomes a little easier each time. I think given a month I should be back up to speed with where I used to be skill wise and will be ready to press on and achieve some real progress.

I sure love working at ECS and I am trying hard to help out there in as many ways as I can.  I see monstrous potential in that gym and all they need is to settle a few issues and get a tad more sales training. All in all, training and ECS are my bliss right now and even as I type I am trying to figure out how to squeeze in my next workout.

At home, Chris is my little treasure and watching him play with the new kitten is priceless. He loves his new best buddy and the kitten has already become a firm part of the household. Even Thane seems to bathe and take care of our little ghost as often as he can.

Trish is surviving pregnancy in the summer quite well. She is close to 5 months along now so the full effects of her condition are upon her but she carries it like a pro and on most days you could almost forget there is a baby in there.  Logan kicks like a little horse however and when he is feeling rowdy he can pretty much stop Trish in her tracks and bend her over with a good internal dropkick to the bladder.

I am putting a new link in my sidebar. One is Marks Daily Apple which is a fun site dedicated to eating well and living a more "Primal Lifestyle".  Its well worth browsing. The other is a funny 23 year old kid named Phill De Franko who has made himself a 4 minuet youtube show 3 times a week ranting about news topics. He is not always erudite or even correct on occasion but he is funny as hell to watch.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bruised Exhaustion

Until last week it had been about 3 years since I rolled with a kimono on. From the time I opened my MMA gym in Mesa I had been focused on a strict no-GI style with a strong emphasis on dominating possition and striking. I thought my game was easily translatable back to the kimono and that putting it back on would only give me MORE options and skills to draw from. I am sure from the wording of my writing you can guess that I was painfully wrong. My GI skills are now lost behind a wall of hazy memories and reliance on strikes has made me a sloppy transitioner. Don't get me wrong, I have learned a LOT over the last 3 years. My take-downs are the best they have ever been and I would not change the advances I have made on clinching for the world, but it has come at a price.

The kimono feels like tar on my limbs now.
Its time to go back.
Its time to feed the root.
I will do what must be done.
I will take the exhaustion and drink it like a narcotic.
I will treasure the bruises like badges of honor. 
I will pick up the razor-like shards of my glassy shattered ego and forge adamantine armor. 
I will put in the time and pay my dues in aches and pains and blood and sweat.
And from self-sacrifice shall emerge self-respect.

I have a massive and seemingly daunting task ahead of me but I see the goal and am ready for the journey. 

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fighting like venom

I think if I had super powers I would most enjoy having Venom's abilities. He really does a fine job of blending striking with grappling and having extra tendrils in order to grapple with would give my jujitsu a crazy advantage. I would love a comic where Venom decides to go to a Jujitsu school and improve his combat skills. He would really benefit from joint lock tactics. 

Spider man could use a little more complex technique as well. He is typically a striker who lets his webs do the grappling for him but I can envision him whipping out a bit of web to do some traditional rope fighting techniques.

I don't suppose I will gain spider like powers or host an alien symbiote anytime soon (unlike my wife who does seem to have spider man's shoulder flexibility AND is hosting an alien symbiote at the moment) buy if I did I think I would put the abilities to better use than their comic book originators.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Thoughts over coffe and e-mails that change thought patterns.

Its been a long time since my last post. I was so busy with the LA Fitness job that I hardly checked e-mail for 6 months. For those who don't know yet, I quit that job for something that takes up less of my time. I was quite good at high pressure sales and the money was awesome but, the hours being put into it didn't really allow me to have much of a life. I have a job already lined up to replace the last one but I have to say, I am once again plagued by the the pain of not being able to make a decent living by teaching martial arts of some sort. Its not that I cant do other things, but I have spent a lifetime developing an education in martial arts and I suffer a great deal of inner rage that I cant bring home a decent and consistent paycheck by teaching it. Some days it leaves me bitter and irate inside. 

I got an e-mail from a man I did jujutsu with 20 years ago. He has watched my video and says that I reinvigorated his martial spirit. He is a policeman and due to my inffluence is now an avid and competitive grappler and MMA enthusiast. I was floored by the e-mail for a good 24 hours.  His mail is the payoff I cant get in other jobs. I recalled that he is not the only person to tell me that I influenced them. Teaching effects lives, simple as that. Teaching changes and guides the world into the future. Teaching has an effect and efficacy is my guide in life. Science and martial arts are my two passions. They are my body and my mind. Being able to spread one of those and encourage the pursuit of both in the world makes me feel proud, fulfilled...immortal.

I have lost my way. It is time I find a better map.